Address and telephone directory
Location particulars
Health care
Sports and plays
Travelling facilities
Conferences, training courses, riding/driving schools
Jawor Ośrodek Wypoczynkowy MSWiA
in locality: Polańczyk

Prices for sojourn of 1 person for 1 day     
Minimum price for 1 bed in a room, no board, is:16.03 Euro
Minimum price for 1 bed in a room, including board, is:16.03 Euro
Other prices and discounts
Lunch (1 meal) price is:7.40 Euro
Supper (1 meal) price is:3.70 Euro
Dinner (1 meal) price is:7.40 Euro
Charge is inclusive of unguarded car park occupation: Yes
Ilość wyświetleń: 198309

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