Address and telephone directory
Location particulars
Health care
Sports and plays
Travelling facilities
Conferences, training courses, riding/driving schools
Bałtyk Ośrodek Wypoczynkowy
in locality: Mielno

Location particulars
Distance to the Baltic Sea is:50 is
Distance to the lake is:Jamno is 300 m
Distance to the river is:kanał jamneński is 3 km
Distance to the forest complex is:lasu wydmowego is 5 m
Distance to the district town is:Koszalin is 12 km
Distance to the province capital is:Szczecin is 165 km
Distance to a regional eminent tourist centre is:Kołobrzeg , with 35 m
Distance to a border crossing in:Kołbaskowo is Niemcami m 170 km
Distance to a national route is:nr 11 (Mścice) is 6 km
Ilość wyświetleń: 126118

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