Address and telephone directory
Location particulars
Health care
Sports and plays
Travelling facilities
Conferences, training courses, riding/driving schools
Komandor Ośrodek Wczasowy
in locality: Przyjezierze
 Rezerwacje wyłącznie telefonicznie lub na miejscu.

Total area of the whole premises is:8000 %
Whereof green areas make:90 %
Whereof trees (park) make:100
Number of hotel brick pavillions is:1
Number of timber pavilions (camping huts) is:9
Total number of hotel rooms is:18 people
The premises can accommodate (max.) holiday guests:70 people
The buildings can accommodate (max.) guests:25 people
Camping huts can accommodate (max.) guests:45
Number of storeyed buildings is:1
Tents can be put up at the site: Yes
Campers can be put up at the site: Yes
Dogs allowed: Yes
Cats allowed: Yes
Rooms available
Three bed:Yes
Four bed:Yes
Five bed and moreYes
Rooms without bathroom (common bathroom at corridor) [%]:15 %
Room facilities provided
TV:100 %
Radio:100 %
Fridge:100 %
Kitchen annexe:85 %
Washbasin only:85 %
No meals available: Yes
Grill available on the site: Yes
Distance to external canteen:100 m
Distance to external restaurant:20 m
Commerce and services
Local press available on the premises: Yes
National press available on the premises: Yes
Distance to a kiosk is:100 m
Distance to a shopping centre is:20 m
Open period
Accommodation day is from:14:00 - 12:00
High-season lasts fm:01.07 - 31.08
Open in spring:29.04 - 30.06
Open in autumn: do 30.09
Closed:30.09 - 29.04
Ilość wyświetleń: 254980

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