Prices for sojourn of 1 person for 1 day |
Minimum price for 1 bed in a room, no board, is: | 12.33 Euro |
Minimum price for 1 bed in an apartment, no board, is: | 12.33 Euro |
Minimum price for 1 bed in an apartment, including board, is: | 17.26 Euro |
Minimum price for an apartment, no board, is: | 49.32 Euro |
Minimum price for an apartment, including board, is: | 69.04 Euro |
Other prices and discounts | Half board price (2 meals) is: | 4.93 Euro |
Breakfast (1 meal) price is: | 2.47 Euro |
Lunch (1 meal) price is: | 2.47 Euro |
Staying at least 21 days you pay: | 90 % |
Staying at least 30 days you pay: | 75 % |
Regular customer pays (after discounts): | 95 % |
A group member (compared to an individual guest) pays: | 90 % |
The low-season prices (compared with high-season ones) are: | 75 % |
Board price for a child aged up to 3 is: | gratis % |
Board price for a child aged up to 7 is: | 50 % |
EURO payments accepted: | Yes |
Other currency payments accepted: | Yes |
Bank transfers also accepted: | Yes |

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Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone - HOGA.PL S.A. 1999-2025